
Campbell Park

Campbell Park is named after Captain William H. Campbell, a member of one of Deltona’s founding families and a casualty in the Vietnam War. It was established more than 30 years ago and was renovated in 2008. Campbell Park has 14 acres and is located along McGarity Lake in Deltona.
There is a playground for young children. People of all ages will enjoy the day as you sit among the multiple benches in the park. The park has a basketball and tennis court for those that play these sports. Dog owners appreciate the small walking trail around the park. It can be a new unexplored place for your companion!
Walk on top of the floating dock which is connected to two piers, to enjoy the scenic view of the lake. For a more enhanced view of the lake, walk along the boardwalk to the two-story observation deck for an overlooking view of the lake. This park is excellent

for those that want to enjoy a relaxing day!
For more information, you can click on…/slideshows/campbell-park.
Author and Photo Credit: Destiny Alvarez, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences – Oregon University