
Ring-necked Snake

ing-necked Snake
The non-venomous Ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus) can be found throughout Florida. These small snakes are usually only 6 – 7- inches long but can grow to 10 inches. Their dark gray body has a yellowish-orange ring around the neck, and the underpart is red, orange, or yellow. Ring-necked snakes reproduce by laying eggs.
Ring-necked snakes are rarely seen since they spend most of their time under rocks, leaf litter, or logs. They prefer moist forested areas but can be found in yards and gardens. Lizards, earthworms, insects, small snakes, salamanders, frogs, and tadpoles make up most of their diet.
Video Credit: Bobby Putnam – Brevard County Lead Education Coordinator
Photo Credit: Dan Kon – rescued lost Ring-necked snake from a department store.