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Imagine Our Florida, Inc.

Our purpose is to bring people together in a shared vision to preserve and protect Florida's wildlife, habitat, and ecosystems. We accomplish this via science-based education and the development of appreciation and respect for the natural world and our place within it.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.7 hours ago
Foto Friday: Please post the pictures you captured of Florida's wildlife, wildflowers, and wild spaces this week in the comments. We can't wait to see them!

🌿 These fascinating organisms are a unique symbiotic partnership between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. There are three different types, all seen in this image. 🍃

Crustose Lichens: These lichens form a tightly adhering crust-like layer on the substrate such as rocks or bark. They are often found in harsh environments like deserts and high-altitude regions.

Foliose Lichens: Foliose lichens have leaf-like structures and are typically loosely attached to the substrate. They can be found on trees, branches, and soil and are often more sensitive to environmental changes.

Fruticose Lichens: Fruticose lichens have a branching or bushy structure and may be upright or hanging from substrates. They are often found in various habitats, including forests, tundras, and coastal areas.

🔍 Lichens can be found almost everywhere, from the Arctic tundra to tropical rainforests and even on bare rock surfaces! Their ability to thrive in diverse environments makes them excellent indicators of air quality and environmental health. 🌎

💡 Fun fact: Lichens are pioneers in ecological succession, breaking down rocks and paving the way for soil formation, which allows other plants to grow. 🌱

Next time you're out exploring nature, take a closer look at these unsung heroes of the ecosystem! 🕵️‍♂️ #LichenLove #NatureFacts #Biodiversity 🌿🔍
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.4 days ago
Tuesday Trivia
What is a group of Squirrels called?

A. Dray
B. Scurry
C. Litter
D. Murder

Please post your answer in the comments.
Answer revealed tonight at 6:00 pm
Be the first to know.

Photo Credit: Dan Kon

#ImagineOurFlorida #IOF #TuesdayTrivia #FloridaStatePark
#GetOutside #Explore #Discover #ConnectRespectCoexist
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.5 days ago
Good News Monday
IOF Director Ileana and her son tabled at the City of Plantation Earth Day 🌎 Event in Broward County. It was a great success and bigger than ever! They have been participating for 3 years. They met 228 people and had some sales and donations as well! Ileana and Chris were excellent; they did a great job educating. They were constantly swamped with people who wanted to learn how to connect, respect, and coexist with Florida's wildlife and within our shared ecosystems!

#ImagineOurFlorida #IOF #ConnectRespectCoexist #GetOutside #Nature #Florida #Wildlife #Explore #Discover #Educate #Empower #MakeaDifference #environmentalstewardship #Earthday #volunteer #BrowardCounty #Plantation