The Canada Goose, Branta canadensis, is a year-round resident of Central Florida. However, some Canada Geese breed in the Arctic and migrate south for the winter. Look for these striking geese foraging in fields, parks, golf courses, and urban and suburban lawns or dabbling in ponds, lakes, and wetlands. Their winter diet consists of berries, seeds, and grains. During the summer, they prefer sedges and grasses.
Canada Geese who call Florida home mate in spring. The female builds a nest of plant material and grasses on the ground. She lays 2-8 eggs and incubates them for about 30 days while her mate guards the nest. If threatened, the couple who have mated for life will aggressively defend their nest. The goslings often remain with their parents for a year.
Fun Fact: Canada geese choose mates who are close to them in size. Scientists refer to this process as assortative mating.
Photo Credit Andy Waldo